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« American Exceptionalism » and the 2020 Election, by Adam Przeworski

The 2020 US presidential election results will have multiple impacts worldwide. Its outcome will be largely commented during the upcoming weeks. As one of the most prominent French think tanks, Terra Nova has gathered a wide range of experts to provide different analysis on the election’s consequences for the United States, and its foreign policy. They do not reflect a collective position, but stand as distinct views and opinions for the French audience on the evolution of the American society and political system after the election. This « American Series » is available on our website The United States has a long tradition of claiming that it is an exceptional country. It is. It is the only presidential system in the world in which elections are indirect. It is the only country in the world in which the rules of national elections vary across subnational jurisdictions. And the only country in which winners of elections are pro-claimed by private organizations. Perhaps surprisingly, this system has worked with only few major glitches during 220 years. Why would a system not based on clear rules work successfully over such a long history? And how did the 2020 election broke all the traditional norms and all the habitual expectations ? A few highlights by Adam Przeworski for Terra Nova, professor of political science at New York University.
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The 2020 US presidential election results will have multiple impacts worldwide. Its outcome will be largely commented during the upcoming weeks. As one of the most prominent French think tanks, Terra Nova has gathered a wide range of experts to provide different analysis on the election’s consequences for the United States, and its foreign policy. They do not reflect a collective position, but stand as distinct views and opinions for the French audience on the evolution of the American society and political system after the election. This « American Series » is available on our website

The United States has a long tradition of claiming that it is an exceptional country. It is. It is the only presidential system in the world in which elections are indirect. It is the only country in the world in which the rules of national elections vary across subnational jurisdictions. And the only country in which winners of elections are pro-claimed by private organizations. Perhaps surprisingly, this system has worked with only few major glitches during 220 years. Why would a system not based on clear rules work successfully over such a long history? And how did the 2020 election broke all the traditional norms and all the habitual expectations ? A few highlights by Adam Przeworski for Terra Nova, professor of political science at New York University. 

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